Sunday, July 18, 2010

Strawberry Dress

Well I have had a productive weekend in the sewing area. I managed to make a dress for Sissy Mae and an outfit for Lizzy.
First the Strawberry Dress for Sissy Mae...

Sissy Mae seen this pattern in my stash and said.....Mommy will you buy me this pleeeeese!

I then explained to her that Mommy can't buy that...she would have to make it....

Well then Sissy corrected herself in saying....Mommy will you make me this pleeeeeese?!?

I told her she would need to pick out some fabric for her dress. I opened a rubbermaid box full of cotton prints and she immediately picked her some out (strawberry print)...Mommy then helped her by picking out a coordinating print...She was so excited. LOL She then told me she was going to have a strawberry dress.

Well here is the result:

I think it turned out pretty darn cute!
As you can see...I didnt follow the pattern exactly.

It called for ribbon to use for ties...I made my own and sewed them to the top of the bodice instead of the outside.
It also had a facing for the neck line and just said to turn under a small bit around the arm...well I am not a big fan of facings and i did not want to fight the curves and turning down the armholes. So I just lined much easier to me!

This also gave me a place to sew my label in.

There is my little tag I sewed in there...cute

This was during construction after I sewed in the label....I was so proud!

I know I am weird and get excited over little stuff.

Happy Gurl! Proud of her dress.

I think the back is SO cute! Love it! Proud of it!

All in all I have to say this was a good pattern! Easy and cute. But I don't like how they have you putting ribbons for ties or the facings but I fixed that.
I did get really aggrevated at pulling up all those gathers...but it was not the patterns was mine. I was never so happy when I got done with that skirt. But when Sissy put it on today and smiled and starting running around the was all worth it.

I will blog about Lizzy's outfit on the next post.
Got a little girl in my bed wanting attention.

Until next time...

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