Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Well, I haven't done really any sewing lately. My life as a full time employed, wife and mother of 2 has taken up my sewing time. Along with the never ending pile of laundry next to my sewing machine. I did manage today between loads of laundry to get some mending done. I fixed a pocket on a pair of shorts of mine and re-attached some lace on one of my night gowns. So I guess I did sew a little. I also put two hand sewing mending projects in my little sewing basket to get to when I have time.
A friend of mine gave me a little dress for Sissy. It is really cute. I noticed that one of the buttons was missing so I dove in my buttons and found a suitable replacement. While ironing the dress one of the other buttons fell off. So now I have two to sew on. So I folded it up and stuck it in my basket. Something is gratifying to me when I am able to fix a garment. It is like bringing new life into it. Even if it is just replacing a button. I know people that would just throw it away. I just don't understand that.
I did at one time think of starting a little business of refurbishing and selling clothing. But there is not a big demand in that and I doubt I would make any money at it either. But I think it would be fun.
I did tell myself that I was not going to buy anymore fabric until I got my stash down. I have so much that I don't think that I will ever get to sewing it all. I told myself that I would just recycle old clothing and use what I already had. So we will see how that goes. LOL
I caught myself on EBay tonight looking at all the pretty fabric and wishing that JoAnn's had not closed in Monroe. That was a sad day for me. I loved that store. We still have Hancock's and Hobby Lobby and of course Wal-Mart. But there was something about JoAnn's. I loved that place. I used to go there in between classes and just look at the pattern books and drool over some of the fabric. On occasion I would buy some and then run home and hide it from my husband. He used to get mad at me when I went there because I spent too much money and had so much fabric already. Men just don't understand do they?
Well, I think I have almost wore out the pages in my Ottobre books. I have not had the courage to trace and cut a pattern yet. Maybe soon.
I thought about it this weekend but we are going out of town to play in a softball tournament. So no sewing for me. LOL
Anyway, I guess that is enough rambling for tonight. I need to get in the bed because I have to work in the morning. YUK!! I so badly want to be a SAHM. Then I think I would be able to sew a little more.

Until next time..

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Simplicity 5552

OK I promised the other day when I was blogging about all my little PIGS that I would post the finished shirt. Well I forgot. So here it is.....

This is when I was trying to put the neck facing on.
It did not look like I was going to do very good.

Oh yeah!! They make it look so easy!!!

Well I guess I did OK. I was surprised that it worked out.

The inside of the shirt with the facing all flattened and pinned down.
I was so proud that I didnt screw it up. LOL

The finished shirt. Not too bad. I remember now when I first started making this shirt I was making a wearable muslin. I used some $1.00 a yard fabric that I bought at Wal-Mart and told myself if it turns out OK then I can at least wear it and all that work will not go wasted. So now I know why I was making this shirt.

Again remember when I took these pics the date was wrong on the camera.

Back of the shirt.

Side of the shirt. For some reason I did not cut out the armhole facings for this shirt so I had to use bias tape. Go figure. I dont know why I did that.
And of course I could not find anymore of the fabric.

Up close of the front. I like the gathering detail.
That is why I chose this pattern.
I lack in the booby area and need all the help I can get.

Another upclose view. I am just proud of this.

Well that is it for the shirt. This is also the first time that I have shown my dressform too. Her name is Matilda. Just thought I would give her a proper introduction.
I am so jealous of her.
She can loose weight with just a crank of a dial and all my clothes
look better on her than they do on me.

Another thing was after finishing this shirt I got to smelling something. I was hoping my house was not on fire. Everything got dimmer in the house and when I looked out the window I couldn't see anything except smoke. The neighbor was burning all the wheat fields that surround my house! In front, sides and back!! I was a little house in the middle of a blaze. Of course my house was not damaged. The farmer is very good at what he does. Thank God. But I thought I would share pics of what I seen. Actually the smoke had died down a little by the time I got the camera and enough nerve to open the front door.

Back door

Back door

Side view from my sewing room


Keeping in mind...this is a bright sunny day.

Well that is it for now... Until next time,


I received my first 3 issues of Ottobre today!
I am so excited. I must have already looked at these books a hundred times.
You could hear the gears turning in my head as I was looking at them.
There are so many things that I want to make!!

These are the issues that I received:

If you have never heard of this magazine, it is from Finland and has the most adorable clothes in it. They have 4 issues a year for kids and 2 a year for women. It comes with all the patterns to make everything in the book.
I love it!!!
The only downfall is everything is in Centimeters and I am used to inches.
So I have to convert everything.
But I think I have enough sense to do that....
I think. ;op

Anyway, I hope it will not be long until I will be posting something on here that I made from the magazine. Now to go and figure out all these little lines so I can trace to patterns.
Gotta go read the books again!!

Until next time,